Sunday, January 5, 2014

कुमारित्व लिलामीमा राख्ने लहर, १८ बर्षे युवतीले बेचिन ३० हजार डलरमा

हरेक महिलाका लागि आफ्नो कौमार्य प्यारो हुन्छ । तर, पछिल्लो दिनका कौमार्य बेच्ने फेसनै चलेको छ इन्टरनेट बजारमा । रसियाकी एक युवतीले पनि आफ्नो कौमार्य ३० हजार डलरभन्दा पनि कममा बेचेकी छिन् । सातुनिया कोड नाम राखेकी ती १८ वर्षीया युवतीको नाम खुलाइएको छैन । कौमार्य बिक्रिका लागि राखिएको अनलाइन लिलामी साइटमा उनले आफ्नो स्टाटस ‘नयाँ–प्रयोग नगरिएको’ भनेर उल्लेख गरेकी छिन् । साइबेरियन टाइम्सका अनुसार कौमार्य बेच्नुअघि भेटका लागि प्रस्ताव क्रासनोयाक्र्स शहरको होटल प्रस्ताव गरेकी छिन् । उनले भनेकी छिन्–‘मलाई पैसाको जरुरी छ । त्यसैले मैले आफ्नो मूल्यवान चिज बेच्दैछु ।’ उनले थपिन्–म भोलि नै भेट्न तयार छु । र म कुमारी भएको पुष्टी गर्न समेत तयार छु ।’ उनले आफू कुमारी भएको प्रमाणससिहत होटलमा आउने भन्दै पैसा दिनेलाई तत्काल कुमारित्व सुम्पने बताइन । उनले पैसा नगदमै हुनु पर्ने सर्त राखेकी छन् । अचम्म त के छ भने उनै किशोरीले अघिल्लो बर्ष अप्रिलमा पनि अर्को एक अनलाइन साइटमा आफु सत्र बर्षे किशोरी रहेको केही समयभित्रै १८ टेक्न लागेको भन्दै कुमारित्व लिलामीको घोषणा गरेकी थिइन् । अनलाइनखबरको एन्ड्रोइड एपका लागि यहाँ क्लिक गर्नुहोस् । तपाईं हामीसंग फेसबुक र ट्वीटरमार्फत् पनि जोडिन सक्नुहुन्छ

सित्तैमा एक जोर कपडाका लागि हजारौं अर्धनग्नको लाइन (फोटो फिचरसहित)

सित्तैमा पाइने भएपछि मानिसहरु अलकत्रसमेत खान पछि पर्दैनन् भन्ने हाम्रोमा उखान छ । यो मामिलामा हामी मात्र हैन युरोपेली मुलुकका मानिसहरु झन एक कदम अगाडी देखिएका छन् । एउटा फेसन स्टोरले एक जोर कपडा सित्तैमा दिने घोषणा गरेपछि हजारौं युवायुवती अर्धनग्न भएर घण्टौं लाइन बसेका छन् । स्पेनिस ब्राण्ड डेजीगलले सुरु गरेको ‘अर्धनग्न आऊ, कपडा लगाएर जाउ’ अफरमा सहभागी हुन युवायुवतीहरु भित्री बस्त्रमात्र लगाएर लाइनमा बसे । यो चिसो बिहानीमा इटलीको रोममा बिहान उज्यालो नहुँदै स्टोरअघि सयौं युवा युवती लाइनमा थिए । युवतीहरुले टुपिस लगाएका थिए भने केटाहरुले कट्टुमात्र लगाएर आफ्नो बहादुरी देखाइरहेका थिए । लाइन यति चर्को थियो कि बिहान ३ बजेपछि लाइनमा बस्नेहरुले सित्तैमा कपडा लैजाने अबसरसमेत पाएनन् । किनकी फेसन ब्राण्डले सुरुका सय जनालाई मात्र यो अबसर दिने भनेको थियो । लाइन बसेका अर्धनग्न तन्नेरीहरु निराश नहोउन भनेर उसले बाँकीका लागि ५० प्रतिशत छुट अफरसमेत ल्याएको थियो । आयोजकका अनुसार सेमिनेकेड पार्टीमा दशौंहजार युवायुवती सहभागी भएका थिए । यो ब्रान्डले यसअघि स्पेनको मड्रिडसहितका शहरसँगै लण्डन, टोक्यो र न्यूयोर्कमा पनि सेमिनेकेड पार्टी आयोजना गरिसकेको छ । आगामी साता परिसमा यस्तै पार्टी आयोजना हुने छ जहाँ अर्धनग्न तन्नेरीहरुले सय मिटरको दौड पनि पुरा गर्नुपर्ने छ । अनलाइनखबरको एन्ड्रोइड एपका लागि यहाँ क्लिक गर्नुहोस् । तपाईं हामीसंग फेसबुक र ट्वीटरमार्फत् पनि जोडिन सक्नुहुन्छ ।

मंगल ग्रहमा जान छानिए नेपाली

२०७० पुष २२ गते ९:२६ मा प्रकाशित २२ पुस, काठमाडौं । मंगल ग्रहमा जान छनोट भएका व्यक्तिहरुमध्ये एक नेपाली पनि छानिएका छन् । मंगलग्रहमा मानव बस्ती बसाउने योजना बनाएको नेदरल्याण्डस्थित ‘मार्स वान’ संस्थाले छानेका १ हजार ५८ जना मध्ये एकमा नेपाली पनि परेका हुन् । मार्स वानले तोकेको मापदण्ड पुरा गर्दै पाल्पाको रामपुरका समीर न्यौपाने मंगलग्रह जानेको सूचीमा दर्ता भएका छन् । उक्त संस्थाले अझै विभिन्न चरणको परीक्षण भने गर्न बाकी रहेको छ । प्रत्येक २/२ वर्षमा ४ जनालाई मंगलग्रहमा पठाउने योजना बनाएको मार्स वानले सन् २०२४ मा पहिलोपट ४ जनालाई पठाउने तयारी गरेको छ । उनीहरुलाई त्यहाँ पठाउनुअघि विभिन्न चरणको परीक्षण गर्ने र उनीहरुले मंगलग्रहमा गएर विभिन्न बैज्ञानिक परीक्षण गर्ने छन् । ग्रहमा महिला र पुरुष बराबरीको संख्यामा पठाउने तयारी मार्स वानको छ । विज्ञान विषय लिएर प्लस टु पढिरहेको समीर आफू मंगलग्रह जानेमा विश्वस्त रहेका छन् । पहिले उनले आफ्नो व्यक्तिगत विवरणसहित ग्रहमा जानुका कारणसहितको ३ मिनेटको भिडियो र तीनवटा प्रश्नको जवाफ पठाएका थिए । अब दोस्रो चरणमा छनौट भएकाहरुको शारीरिक र मानसिक परीक्षण गरिने न्यौपानेले बताए । अब क्षेत्रीय स्तरमा परीक्षा हुने र उक्त परीक्षा भारत वा चीनमा हुनेछ । मंगल ग्रहमा जान विश्वभरबाट २ लाख भन्दा बढीले आवेदन दिएका थिए । उक्त ग्रहमा पुग्न अहिलेको रकेटको गतिले ६ देखि ८ महिनासम्म लाग्नेछ ।

गैरआवासीय नेपालीले दोहोरो नागरिकता पाउँदैनन्ः भीम रावल

२२ पुस, लण्डन । नेकपा एमालेका नेता भीम रावलले गैरआवासीय नेपालीले दोहोरो नागरिकता नपाउने सहमति भएको खुलासा गरेका छन् । रावलले नेपालका मुख्य राजनीतिक दलहरुबीच नै गैरआवासीय नेपालीहरुलाई दोहोरो नागरिकता नदिने सहमति भइसकेको बताएका हुन् । प्रवासी नेपाली मन्च बेलायतको तेस्रो राष्ट्रिय अधिबेसनलाई आइतबार लण्डनमा सम्बोधन गर्दै रावलले दोहोरो नागरिकताको माग हुबहु पुरा नभएपनि गैरआवासीय नेपालीहरुले उठाएका अन्य मागहरुको भने सम्बोधन गरिने बताए । उनले विदेशमा बस्ने सबै नेपालीहरुलाई स्वतन्त्र रुपमा नेपालको भ्रमण गर्न पाउने, नेपालमा लगानी र सम्पति आर्जन गर्न पाउने लगायतका अधिकार प्रदान गरी विशेष परिचयपत्रको व्यवस्था गर्न समेत पहिलो संविधानसभामा सहमति भइसकेको जानकारी दिए । तर गैरआवासीय नेपालीहरुले विगत लामो समयदेखि महत्वका साथ उठाउंदै आएको दोहोरो नागरिकता भने नदिने नै सहमति भएको रावलले स्पष्ट पारे । नेपालका राजनीतिक दल र तीनका नेताहरुले विदेशमा आएर दोहोरो नागरिकताको पक्षमा भाषण गरेर सबैलाई भ्रम छर्ने काम गरेपनि नेपालमा गएर त्यसको विपक्षमा सहमति गर्ने गरेको उनले दाबी गरे । दल र नेताहरुको यस्तै दोहोरो चरित्रका कारण नै देश आज यो संक्रमणमै अल्झिहेको उनको भनाइ थियो । दोहोरो नागरिकताको व्यवस्था गर्नुभन्दा पहिला यसले निम्त्याउन सक्ने समस्याहरुको पहिचान गरी सम्बोधन हुनुपर्नेमा उनले जोड दिए । दोस्रो संविधानसभाको चुनावमा सबै दललाई मिलेर अघि बढ्ने म्यान्डेट आएकोले राष्ट्रिय एकता, अखण्डता र स्वाधिनताका पक्षमा सबै दल एक हुनुको विकल्प नरहेको रावलले बताए । सविंधानसभाबाट एक वर्षभित्रमै नया संविधान जारी गर्न आवश्यक छ भन्दै उनले त्यसका लागि प्रतिबद्धता पनि व्यक्त गरे । पहिलो ६ महिनामा दलहरुबीच सहमतिका लागि प्रयास गरिने र सहमति नबने जनमत संग्रह गरेरै भएपनि एक वर्षभित्रमै सविंधान बनाउनुपर्ने उनले बताए ।

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Dahal, Nepal and Paudel agree to expedite peace process

Top leaders of the three largest political parties in the Constituent Assembly – Unified CPN (Maoist), Nepali Congress (NC) and UML – met Sunday morning to discuss issues related to the peace process including finalising the modality of integration and determining the number of combatants to be integrated.

Maoist chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal, NC vice president Ram Chandra Paudel and UML senior leader Madhav Kumar Nepal met at Paudel’s residence in Boharatar this morning to find ways to expedite the stalled peace process.

At the meeting, the three leaders agreed to expedite the peace process by preparing a clear outline for army integration including the modality and number of combatants to be integrated.

A meeting of the three largest political parties in Baluwatar few days ago had formed a three-member taskforce including Dahal, Nepal and Paudel to finalise the army integration model and the number of combatants to be integrated.

This is the first time the three leaders have met since the formation of the taskforce.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Can you believe? These people starts their business only $159


New Pin Achievements

Britt Worldwide has over thirty years of experience in assisting businessmen and women around the world develop their own successful independent businesses.

Congratulations to the most current Pin Winners in the BWW organization!


Vishal & Zeenia Kakar
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
This great opportunity was the answer to their prayers. Once they got started, Vishal and Zeenia quickly created an awesome team across North America. They enjoy building this business, and love the entire process of helping people realize their potential.


Pankaj & Archana Gupta
San Jose, California
Pankaj and Archana are high achievers in all areas of their life. They exemplify the motto: "WORK HARD & PLAY HARD." Very passionate about their dreams, they are building a Strong & United team from coast to coast.

Yogesh & Sarika Lanjewar
Freemont, California
Success is realization of a passionate dream that touches many people's lives, along with strong work-ethic and working with a like-minded, fun-loving team. This has been the motto for Yogesh and Sarika while building their business. They always believe in "PAY NOW AND PLAY LATER" and that is why they have created a young, dynamic, and tremendous team with multiple leaders all across the world, all before they reach age 30!

Dennis & Danielle Nafte
Oceanside, New York

Swapnil & Uma Raut
Woburn, Massachusettes
BWW leaders in New England, Swapnil and Uma met while pursuing their master's in pharmacy. Despite their career successes, they have recognized that this business is their real future. 100% Britt kids!

Ravi & Usha Raviprabakar
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
The respect of the BWW team is priceless. The principles and core values are so irresistible, that we are committed to doing whatever it takes. (IT and Teaching)

Thambiappah (Seelan) & Sujitha Thavaseelan
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
As a production supervisor and a beautician, Seelan and Sujitha sought to build a big business that would expand beyond their careers. Their vision is to build that business by helping people all around the world, using the BWW system. They agree, "This is one of the best opportunities in the world!"


Manmohan & Ritu Jakhwal
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Manu, a media consultant, and Ritu built this business with passion and an incredible work ethic. They are awesome leaders and are well-positioned to reach great heights!

Yogesh & Sarika Lanjewar
Freemont, California
Yogesh and Sarika both started this business as students while pursuing their Masters in Computer Science. They are tremendous students of the BWW system and have always worked towards building a young, dynamic, excited, forcused, and humble team all across the world.

Vidyadhar & Sreerama Tatipamula
Irving, Texas
Vidyadhar and Sreerama are both Software Professionals. They believe this business is the best way to accomplish Financial Freedom and impact a lot of people in a positive way. They have two handsome young boys, Rohith and Mayukh.


Kshitij & Charu Lanjewar
San Diego, California
Kshitij and Charu started their business in San Diego, while pursuing their MBA and MS in Electrical Engineering. Along with successful careers and multiple patents, they have also created a tremendous business with a young, diversified team, coast-to-coast and around the world. They are the best BWW students!


Vikram & Bhavana Aedula
Dallas, Texas
Vikram and Bhavana have masters degrees in Engineering Management and Computer Science. Vikram is a Test Manager in IT and Bhavana is building this business along with Vikram as a stay at home mom raising an 18 month old "Rishiv Raj.” They have a phenomenal thought process and great passion, geared to build this business to achieve personal financial freedom and create an impact around the world.

Amar & Sarika Amte
Fremont, California
Amar and Sarika started their Amway business as students, and both work in top IT companies. They are excited about this business opportunity, powered by BWW, because they can see reaching their financial goals by helping people around the world.

Apsornsawan (Sonya)
Arwatchanakarn &
Robb Vannoy
Altoona, Iowa
Robb is a consulting engineer with his own firm. Sonja has a master's degree in plant science. They pursue the business with the BWW SYSTEM and "PERSEVERANCE"!

Puhup & Priyanka Chandra
Rocky Hill, Connecticut
Puhup and Priyanka are a no-excuse couple who exemplify servant-leadership and are an asset to BWW. Despite high-flying corporate careers, they are building the business on the fast track for personal financial freedom and a great lifestyle for their family.

Grishma & Deepmala Dahal
Alexandria, Virginia
We are passionate about helping others to fulfill their goals through the Amway business. We are building our business with happy hearts, along with our two young kids, Shachi and Anuj.

Phil & Tram Dapaah
San Jose, California
Phil and Tram are true BWW team players and great leaders to their young, excited team. They are excited to be joining the elite BWW Platinum Club!

KK & Lakshmi Garimella
Irving, Texas
KK and Lakshmi both finished their masters degree from Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois. KK is an IT sales manager and Lakshmi is a SAP consultant. They are excited to build this business to achieve their financial freedom. They have a beautiful little daughter, "Raina."

Rohit Kulkarni
Freemont, California
Rohit has a humming business in the USA, Canada, and India. He works as a programmer for a Fortune 50 corporation.

Sameer & Akhila Managoli
Newark, California
Sameer and Akhila have very strong professional backgrounds, as software and structural engineers. They credit their success in this business to constant learning, application, changing, and growing.

Matthew & Mindy Molloy
Edgerton, Wisconsin
Matt is a graphic artist and Mindy has a background in psychology and sociology. They are so excited to have a vehicle like BWW to achieve success together.

Dr. Premal & Kalpita Patel
Euless (Dallas area), Texas
Dr. Premal works as an ICU physician and Kalpita as an IT Project Manager. Premal completed his fellowship at Stanford Medical Hospital. They are the best examples of DYNAMIC speech patterns, attitude, and work ethic. They are PASSIONATE to become financially free!

Gaurav & Nidhi Patwardhan
Fremont, California
Gaurav and Nidhi both have high profile IT professions, but are excited to build a "Lifestyle" through this amazing business opportunity offered by
Amway and BWW. It all starts with a dream...

Niraj & Krupa Shah
Farmers Branch, Texas
Niraj and Krupa are both software professionals, working towards their financial freedom. They are excited about this great business opportunity, the BWW system, and amazing mentorship from their upline, Tissa and Maithree.

Charles & Carolyn Thurston
Durham, North Carolina
(Bobby & Jean Britt)
Charles and Carolyn are professional Home Care business owners. Excitement is their trademark as they build their business "To The Top" with two awesome young ladies, Jasmine and Moriah.


Vikram & Bhavana Aedula
Plano, Texas

Kamran & Sadaf Khan
Milpitas, California

George & Lidia Lopez
Woodland, California

Boonpha Thao & Susie Yang
Madison, Wisconsin

Long Vang & Pangly Her
Madison, Wisconsin

Pengsue Vang & Syvannia Yang
Madison, Wisconsin

Mohan & Gayathri Venkatesh
Bampton, Ontario Canada

Richard Yang & Mee Thao
Fitchburg, Wisconsin


Sireesha Balantrapu
Irving, Texas

Vishal Bolla
Irving, Texas

Kumar Gaurav &
Snigdha Krishna
Frisco, Texas

Lom & Toula Detoudom
Farmington, Connecticut

Atul & Neelu Gupta
Irving, Texas

Abhishek Jain
Rocky Hill, Connecticut

Chandrani & Dhammika Kahanda
West Covina, California

Pradeep & Prashanthi Kothamachu
Phoenix, Arizona

Kuldeep Singh Lakhesar
Richmond, Virginia

Hoang Le
San Jose, California

George & Lydia Lopez
Woodland, California

Parikshit & Naina Ralhan
Toronto Ontario Canada

Arun Villa
Irving, Texas

Shravan Villa
Irving, Texas

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